Sunday, November 29, 2009

Costs of the Warfare / Welfare State

I had to reply when a friend sent me this video about the multiplying cost of war.

The main thing that comes into my head when I read about how US war adventures are costing trillions of dollars (beside visions of dollars with wings flying into the sunset): War is just another socialist wealth - redistribution scheme (see "Karl Marx" or this article).

1. Where does the money come from? - Our pockets, our families, our businesses, our safety, our property, our stability of life!

2. Where does that money end up? - Bank accounts of the politically well-connected; politicians and their friends - bankers, foreign agents and officials, war-industry businesses.

The Pentagon is the biggest pork-packed-corrupt-centralized-socialist-government program of all time.
Conservatives have their eyes shut when they look at the Pentagon - they believe their government-school brainwashing.

But, ...
• With welfare socialist programs, at least families end up getting a place to live, some food, some healthcare, or a satellite dish, while government-friendly businesses get rich when those welfare dollars get spent. And politicians get more power.

• With warfare socialist programs, innocent families get bombed out of their homes, the healthcare and infrastructure of Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, ... are destroyed, the world gets more unstable and dangerous, young American soldiers are killed and maimed for life, ... fat cats who manufacture war equipment get rich. And politicians get more power.

Stupid comparison; my bad. It's called a "false dichotomy" - meaning that there is a choice of two separate answers to two separate problems. That's an illusion and a distraction from real answers. It's just as bad as the false dichotomy of the "Left vs. Right" fighting that I always bitch about. Wasted Time and Energy!

• Take your pick; the Welfare / Warfare state comes in one package - you rarely have one without the other. As far as I can tell, we rarely see a government that is a big Welfare State without also being a big Warfare State. And we rarely see a government that is a big Warfare State without also being a big Welfare State. Sweden might be the exception that proves the rule.

Conservatives claim to HATE welfare programs and LOVE war programs, because the costs of WAR programs are not as easy to see. They claim to love the Free Market, but they don't trust trade and commerce to keep the peace (No one attacks their favorite trading partners - actually a strategy being used by China to "take over" the world without violence). Conservatives don't see that the guns pointing outward will always be pointing inward as well. War destroys the winners as much as it destroys the losers, in the long run.

Liberals are so "highly educated" by the socialist colleges, they claim to HATE warfare programs, but they LOVE welfare programs. They are so smart that they think only smart bureaucrat politicians can run people's lives efficiently and fairly - people can't just do it themselves because they're too dumb. Liberals don't want to look at the fact that welfare programs are always used as a distraction so governments can carry on their war programs. Liberals don't see that welfare costs trickle back down to the very poor people that welfare programs claim to be helping. "Government aid" keeps poor families at a lowest common level, and the middle class is pushed down to the poverty level, in the long run.

And, both liberals and conservatives get burned by the dollar-destroying inflation blow-back from their most-loved programs. Not to mention getting burned by government inefficiency, fraud, waste, red-tape, corruption, and all that good stuff.

That's what I think.

Rick Doogie

"It is only those who have neither fired a shot nor heard the shrieks and groans of the wounded who cry aloud for blood...War is hell." ~ General William T. Sherman

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